4.7 Aesthetics
The delivery pipeline would extend south from the Del Mar receiver site, primarily at the base on the bluffs
south of Sea Coast Park. In this location it would not be visible from residents along the bluff tops, but it
would be visible to beach users. The contrast would be reduced by its placement against the large bluffs.
As it would extend across the lagoon mouth and enter the site, it would be on the sand where its size and
darker color would make more it readily visible. Given the presence of other man made features such as
rip-rap as well as the temporary nature of the feature, the visual impact would be less than significant.
Mission Beach
Like Del Mar, this receiver site consists of residences built behind a low sea wall at the same elevation as
the sandy beach so there are clear, foreground views of the construction activity. Views would be available
to residents and users of the boardwalk. At this site, construction would occur along the site for 11 days,
typically 250 linear feet per day. The activity would move along the length of the beach, which would
reduce the visual contrast to any one viewer. Material from borrow site MB-1 is also characterized by
lighter material so the contrast between the fill material and existing sand would be less noticeable and
eventually the contrast would not be visible at all. Because operations would be short-term and the end
result would be enhancement of this important resource, the visual impact is regarded as less than
Imperial Beach
The majority of this receiver site is characterized by a cobble beach. Existing residents front the beach
behind rip-rap protection and have clear, foreground views of the construction activity. Construction
activity would be approximately 12 days. An estimated 300 linear feet per day would be affected over the
more than one-half mile long site. The activity would move along the length of the beach, which would
reduce the visual contrast to any one viewer. As fill material is placed on the site, it would be washed and
bleached to blend with the existing sand. Because of the short-term nature of the activity and the beneficial
enhancement of this degraded beach, the visual impact would be regarded as less than significant.
Borrow Sites
Visual impacts as a result of dredging activities at all borrow sites would be similar. For this impact
analysis, the SO-7 borrow site is addressed as a representative worst-case scenario because it would have
the longest duration of construction, and has the closest sensitive viewers.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00