4.7 Aesthetics
Receiver Sites/Temporary Pipeline Routes
At the South Oceanside, North Carlsbad, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Torrey Pines, Mission Beach, and
Imperial Beach receiver sites, the construction period would be longer than Alternative 1a (refer to Table
2-2). Although the time period would be longer, there would be no nighttime construction lights which
would eliminate short-term light and glare associated with Alternative 1a. While there would be less sand
overall, there would still be an improvement to the existing degraded condition. Because the construction
activity would move along the beach no single viewer would have impacts from construction over the entire
time period and because the end result would be enhancement of this important visual resource, there
would be no permanent, significant visual impact.
Borrow Sites
Dredging activity would occur over a longer duration at borrow sites SO-9, SO-5, MB-1 and SS-1
because they would have to halt dredging until construction could resume at the receiver sites. Table 2-2
identifies the longer time frame for each borrow site. Because of the distance between borrow sites and
viewers, the relatively small size of dredge area when viewed in the ocean horizon, and the other boating
activity that is also visible there would be no permanent significant visual impact. No mitigation measures
would be necessary.
Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Receiver Sites/Temporary Pipelines
Under Alternative 2a, beach nourishment activities could occur anytime within 24 hours a day, seven days
a week. Lights may be necessary to allow for sand placement on the receiver site after the sun sets. The
total number of sites would be less under this alternative than under Alternative 1 as the North Carlsbad,
Batiquitos, Leucadia, and Moonlight Beach receiver sites would not receive sand. Nearby sensitive
receptors, typically residents, at those sites would not experience even short-term visual effects, nor would
they experience the visual benefit of enhanced beaches. Under this alternative, beach replenishment
activities at the Cardiff, Solana Beach and Del Mar receiver sites would be identical to Alternative 1a and
the impacts would be identical short-term views of construction resulting in long-term beach
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00