4.7 Aesthetics
a short-term color contrast between the receiver sand and nourishment material, it should not result in
The pipeline for this receiver site would be located on the beach from just north of Batiquitos Lagoon to
the site. There are no permanent residents to view this temporary pipeline. Because the pipeline would
be located at the base of the bluffs it would be outside the field of vision for drivers along Carlsbad
Boulevard, except where the roadway is near the lagoon mouth and height differential would not obscure
views. The short-term nature of the pipeline and reduced visibility to sensitive viewers support a finding
of no significant impact.
At this receiver site residents on the bluffs would be able to view the construction activity for approximately
12 days. As with the other receiver sites, the short-term nature of the impact would be out-weighed by
the overall enhancement of the beach. The visual impact of construction would be considered less than
significant. Material for nourishment would be from SO-7 which has relatively lighter sand color than from
other borrow sites, so the contrast between the existing and new material would be relatively less. Any
contrast would eventually be eliminated by wave action, exposure to the sun, and seasonal mixing.
The pipeline for this site would come directly onshore from the borrow site approximately 0.8 mile offshore.
The visual impact is discussed in the borrow site section below.
This receiver site is much like the southern portion of Batiquitos with residents along high bluffs viewing a
sand and cobble beach. Construction activities would occur over approximately 13 days and typically
cover 325 linear feet in a day. As with the other receiver sites, the overall contrast of the action at any
given sensitive viewer would vary over time because the construction activity would continually move down
the beach. The nourishment material would be from SO-7 which has relatively lighter in color material,
likely resulting in less contrast with the existing sand. The short-term visual change would not be considered
significant and the enhanced beach would result in a visual benefit.
The pipeline to serve this site would be located at the base of the bluffs. While visible, the contrast would
be minimized by its location next to a much larger cliff face and dark colored rip-rap. Additionally, the
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00