4.7 Aesthetics
the existing material to reduce the contrast. No permanent visual effects would result and the impact would
be less than significant.
The pipeline to serve this site would extend south from Oceanside. Where it would be located at the base
of the walkway or up against the existing slopes, the contrast would be reduced and much of the view from
existing residences would be obscured. Where it would be placed on sand not adjacent to the features,
it would be more visible. However, no permanent visual effects would result and the impact would be less
than significant.
South Carlsbad North
Views at this receiver site would be available to campers at the state park. During construction, which
would last approximately 15 days, the receiver site would be degraded from pumping and construction
operations. In any given day, approximately 200 linear feet would be affected by direct closure. However,
the proposed action would ultimately improve long-term views in the area through the enhancement of the
existing beach. Because of the short-term nature of the project and the fact that construction would move
along the site minimizing the visual contrast at any one location, no permanent adverse visual impact would
The dredged fill material for this site would come from SO-7. The material from this borrow site has been
found to be relatively light in color with less organics than the other borrow sites so the contrast between
the fillmaterialand the existing sand would be reduced (Sea Surveyor 1999). Eventually, natural processes
including wave washing, sun exposure, and mixture with existing sand would eliminate any noticeable
differences between sediment color.
In a past sand replenishment project near this site, there has been very strong contrast betweenthe receiver
site and the sand source. As a result, the replenished beach was not utilized by beach-goers until the color
contrast was reduced. The previous situation resulted when nourishment material from a roadway
construction project was placed on the beach. That material was very reddish in color and had a content
of 80 percent sand and 20 percent silt. The red color was linked to the silt layer which covered the sand
grains. Once the nourishment material was worked by wave action causing the silt to wash off, and the
remaining sand mixed with the existing sand, then the site was utilized. Under the currently proposed
project, the nourishment source will not be more than 10 percent silt. Additionally, the core samples from
the borrow site indicate that the nourishment material will not appear red. Therefore, while there will be
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00