4.7 Aesthetics
Solana Beach
This receiver site has sand and cobble below bluffs with residences constructed along the top, as well as
a recreation area at Fletcher Cove. Construction activities would occur up to 13 days and typical
construction in one day would be approximately 200 feet. The activity would move along the length of the
beach which would reduce the visual contrast to any one viewer. The delivery pipeline would extend
across the water's surface from SO-7 and make landfall at the northern end of the receiver site. However,
this pipeline would only serve this single site and would be utilized up to 13 days. The views of construction
and dredging equipment would be short-term and less than significant.
The borrow site that would serve this receiver site (SO-5) has organics that will likely make the material
slightly darker than the existing sand. The color contrast would be reduced by wave action, exposure to
the sun, and mixing, and there would be no permanent adverse visual conditions.
Del Mar
At this site, the receiver beach is directly fronted by homes at the same elevation so there would be clear,
foreground views of the construction process. The activity would occur for approximately 16 days under
this alternative, typically 250 linear feet a day. The activity would move along the length of the beach which
would reduce the visual contrast to any one viewer. Similar to the Cardiff site, more distant viewers on the
hills would view the receiver site as one element of a viewscape including the expansive ocean and other
beach scenes. The short-term activity at this one location would not be a permanent, adverse change.
The deliverypipeline would extend directly offshore from SO-5. As described in Solana Beach, the slightly
darker material will be washed and worked over time so there would also be no permanent visual impact.
Torrey Pines
Foreground viewers ofthis site are limited to recreationalists at the state beach and drivers on North Torrey
Pines Road. Distant views are available from residents on the hills north of Carmel Valley Road.
Construction activities would occur for up to 20 days and would enhance and widen this thin and cobble
beach. The nourishment material would be slightly darker but would be washed by waves, exposed to the
sun and eventually mixed with the existing sand to eliminate the contrast. The visual impact is regarded as
less than significant.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page 4.7-7
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00