4.7 Aesthetics
enhancement. Four other receiver sites would have a larger footprint under this alternative, but impacts
would be similar to those described for Alternative 1. The South Carlsbad South receiver site is proposed
for sand replenishment under this alternative, and is addressed below.
South Carlsbad South
Beach replenishment at the South Carlsbad South receiver site would have visual impacts identical to South
Carlsbad North. Nearby viewers would be campers in the State Park. During implementation views
would temporarily degraded but on any given day only 200 linear feet would be affected by direct closure.
Construction is anticipated to occur over a 13-day time period. Fill for this site would come from SO-7
which would be slightly lighter in color than the receiver site, but natural processes would eliminate any
noticeable differences and the impact would not be significant. As with Alternative 1, there would be no
significant, long-term impact associated with the pipeline. Because of the short-term nature of the project
and long-term enhancement benefit, visual impacts would not be considered significant.
Borrow Sites
Visualimpacts associated withborrow sites would be similar to Alternative 1. Some borrow activity would
be decreased in duration (i.e., SO-9 and SO-7) while some would take longer (MB-1). The overall time
of borrow activity would be an estimated two weeks less under Alternative 2 than Alternative 1. Still, there
would not be long-term, significant visual impacts.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
No mitigation would be required as no significant impacts have been identified.
Impacts/Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2b
Under this alternative, construction at some sites would occur over a longer time period (refer to Table 2-
6). As noted under Alternative 1b, there would be no lights for nighttime construction which would
eliminate one short-term change to the visual environment; however, the reduction in sand volume
associated with this alternative would result in reduced long-term visual benefits. No mitigation would be
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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