4.7 Aesthetics
Construction of the project in spring instead of late summer would potentially increase the number of
sensitive viewers experiencing the project, but that would not change the significance conclusion.
Significance Criteria
San Diego's coastal beaches are some of the region's most important visual resources. For this reason,
the coastal areas of San Diego County are considered a highly sensitive visual resource. Coastal beaches
offer scenic views that are considered a trademark of the southern California area. Additionally, all of the
13 possible receiver sites would be visible to either residents, scenic drivers or recreationalists, and in some
cases all three types of viewers. For these viewer types the scenic quality does affect the value of an
activity and they are considered sensitive viewers. Therefore, construction or operation that would cause
permanent degradation of existing views along coastal beaches would be considered significant.
Degradation may result from scale and size of project features, site design, color and texture contrast, or
permanent introduction of light and glare.
Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1a, the beach nourishment activities could potentially occur over a 24-hour period, up
to seven days per week. This activity would provide the maximum sand within the minimum overall time
frame but would involve more disturbance in an average day. Additionally, lights may be necessary to
allow for construction after the sun sets.
Impacts of Alternative 1a
Receiver Sites/Temporary Pipeline Routes
South Oceanside
The proposed actionwould alter existing views along the receiver site during proposed beach replenishment
operations because a pipeline would discharge sand, grading equipment (typically two large machines)
would construct a training dike and move the sand and pipelines around the site, and several construction
personnel would operate the equipment. If the hopper dredge is used, then it would make periodic
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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