4.6 Land and Water Use
Borrow Sites
Under this alternative, water use and recreation impacts would be similar to those described for Alternative
1. Differences between Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 also include relative recreation impacts at SO-9,
closure would be approximately 42 days instead of 50. At SO-7, the dredge area would be restricted for
32 days instead of 50. The overall impact would be short-term and less than significant.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
As no significant impacts to land and water use or recreation have been identified, no mitigation measures
would be necessary with implementation of this alternative.
Impacts/Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2b
This alternative would differ from Alternative 2a in that construction of the proposed action would comply
with applicable jurisdictions' noise ordinances (refer to Table 2-6). Because dredging and replenishment
activities would take a longer amount of time, the receiver sites would be closed longer than under
Alternative 2a (refer to Table 2-4 and Table 2-6). Although this alternative would take longer to
implement, it would still be short-term. There would also be less relative benefit under this alternative as
the sand quantity would be less.
As with Alternative 2a, closure of the receiver sties would result in a short-term redistribution of
recreational activities to adjacent areas. Replenishment would result in a beneficial impact to recreation;
no significant impacts to land and water use are anticipated. Accordingly, no mitigation measures would
be necessary.
No Action Alternative
No dredging or beach replenishment activities would occur under the No Action Alternative. There would
be no land and water use or recreation impacts under this alternative and no mitigation measures would be
necessary. No recreational beach area would be created and this alternative would not fulfill the goals and
policies of the various general plans and LCPs as described in Section 3.6, nor satisfy the project purpose
and need.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page 4.6-7
99-69\sect-04.06.wpd 7/19/00