3.6 Land and Water Use
Mission Beach
On-site and Adjacent Land Use
The proposed Mission Beach receiver site extends approximately 2,380 feet (0.5 mile) from Ostend Court
to Santa Barbara Place. Land uses in the vicinity include residential, commercial and open space functions.
The Boardwalk, which stretches from Pacific Beach Drive south to the terminus of Mission Beach Park,
exists along the receiver site. Public access is from the adjacent residential streets and the South Mission
parking lot. As of June 1999, the beach is approximately 25 to 30 feet wide at high tide. The Mission Bay
Boat Channel is approximately two miles southofthe proposed receiver site. Nearby surf spots are shown
in Figure 3.6-2.
The Mission Beach receiver site involves sovereign land granted to the City of San Diego pursuant to
Chapter 688, Statutes of 1933 and state lands pursuant to Chapter 1054, Statutes of 1939, as amended
with minerals reserved to the State. As such, any permits necessary for the proposed action would be
granted by the City, as trustee of these lands.
Land Use Policies
The site is within the jurisdiction of the City of San Diego and whose future planning is accounted for in the
Mission Beach Precise Plan and Local Coastal Program Addendum (1974). In the Conservation Element
of the Precise Plan, Goal 3 states
Conservation of beaches and shoreline to maintain and enhance their benefits for
present and future San Diego residents and visitors.
The proposed receiver site at Mission Beach is located within the Coastal Zone (City of San Diego 1974).
The City's LCP guides development in sensitive coastal areas and provides for the preservation of natural
resources. The City's LCP requires any project occurring within the Coastal Zone to be reviewed by the
City and the California Coastal Commission. According to the Mission Beach Precise Plan LCP,
In view of the heavy use, both in recreation and in research, that both beach and
nonbeach shorelines receive, it is obviously decidable that additional shoreline be
acquired as opportunities present themselves.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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