3.6 Land and Water Use
The Torrey Pines receiver beach involves sovereign land granted to the City of San Diego pursuant to
Chapter 688, Statutes of 1933. As such, any permits necessary for the proposed action would be granted
by the City, as trustee of these lands.
Land Use Policies
The proposed receiver site at Torrey Pines is located within the Coastal Zone as designated by the City
of San Diego General Plan (1989). The City's LCP guides development in sensitive coastal areas and
provides for the preservation of natural resources. The City's LCP requires any project occurring within
the Coastal Zone to be reviewed by the City and the CCC.
The receiver site is also subject to the plans and policies identified in the San Diego Coastal State Park
System General Plan, Volume 8: Torrey Pines State Beach and State Reserve (1984). This plan identifies
improvements to facilities at Torrey Pines State Beach and policies intended to protect natural resources
in the vicinity of the State Beach. The following policy identified in Park System General Plan is relevant
to the proposed action:
Sand and similar sediment in active alluvial fans and other storage areas in the Los
Peasquitos watershed is a valuable resource that shall be considered for
replenishment of littoral beach sand. Material excavated from sediment basins and
other depositional storage areas in the watershed, and which is of suitable quantity,
size, and chemical constituency to meet the management objectives of the state
beach and state reserve, shall be considered for disposal into the littoral zone just
below the Los Peasquitos Lagoon opening. When beach replenishment is not
needed or appropriate at the time of necessary dredging, the sand should be
deposited for eventual use as beach replenishment, provided that suitable locations
for deposit are available and that steps are taken at them to protect significant
natural resources and their public use.
Page 3.6-18
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.5 to 3.12.wpd 7/17/00