3.6 Land and Water Use
Adjacent water uses to the offshore borrow sites include kelp harvesting and whale watching. A San
Diego-based company, Kelco, harvests the kelp canopy at Point Loma, La Jolla, and from Del Mar to
Carlsbad. Kelp is gathered by a specially designed ship that cuts the kelp to a depth of approximately 4
feet below the surface.
Gray whales migrate through San Diego's offshore waters twice a year on their way between summer
feeding grounds off Alaska and calving areas in the coastal lagoons of Baja California, Mexico. Private
and charter boats venture out to watch the migrating whales.
With the exception of MB-1, all offshore borrow sites are located in ungranted sovereign lands under the
jurisdiction of the CSLC. A lease is required from the CSLC for any portion of a project extending into
State-owned lands that are under its exclusive jurisdiction.
SO-9 is located approximately 3.7 miles to the north of the Oceanside outfall and approximately 500 feet
to the east of the nearest of eight artificial reef habitats (Figure 2-15), comprised of quarry rock, which
occur on an otherwise featureless seafloor (Sea Surveyor 1999). The artificial reefs are created and
maintained by CDFG per a lease from the CSLC (PRC 3136).
As shown on Figure 2-11, the Encina Wastewater Authority's sewer line is located approximately 1.6 miles
north of the SO-7 borrow site. There is also an artificial reef implemented by the San Onofre Nuclear
Generating Station (SONGS), which is located approximately 750 feet north of SO-7. Twelve artificial
reefs are maintained by CDFG, four of which (C9, C10, C11, and C12) are approximately 500 feet from
SO-7's proposed dredge area (Figure 2-6). Within that reef complex, the closest reef to the surface is C2
which sits 21 feet high at -37 feet MLLW, resulting in 16 feet between the top of the reef and the water
The SO-6 proposed borrow site would be 350 feet north of the San Elijo ocean outfall. SO-6 is located
seaward of a lease to the Department of Parks and Recreation from the CSLC (PRC 7365) for an
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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