3.6 Land and Water Use
fill was excavated in 1998 and 1999 as part of the nearby Lomas Santa Fe Drive railroad grade separation
project. Residential development and some commercial uses exist above the receiver site along the bluff.
The bluffs and beach are severely eroded, and numerous efforts to slow erosion, such as rip-rap, the filling
in of sea caves, sea walls, and other revetments occur along the bluffs and beach. There is also a lifeguard
station and public shower at Fletcher Cove.
A small subtidal reef exists north of Fletcher Cove, known as Pill Box. Surfing is a popular activity at this
reef. Surfing is also popular farther south at Cherry Hill and north at Tabletops, where other subtidal reefs
exist (Figure 3.6-1).
The proposed receiver beach is within the CCC's jurisdiction. Any decisions regarding activities on the
beach would be subject to the Commission's review and approval.
Land Use Policies
The City of Solana Beach currently has no approved LCP. The City anticipates preparation of an LCP
in 2000 (Mitchell 1999).
Del Mar
On-site and Adjacent Land Use
The proposed receiver site in the City of Del Mar extends from 27th Street to Powerhouse Park, a distance
of approximately 3,110 feet (0.6 mile). The beach has recently increased in size compared to the winter
of 1997-1998, when El Nio-driven storms destroyed two beach front homes and substantially reduced
the width and depth of the beach. The beach itself is designated Public Parkland in the City of Del Mar
Community Plan (1976) and is within the City's Beach Overlay Zone (City of Del Mar 1993). Most of
the receiver site falls within the City's North Beach District. The receiver site is lined with low and medium
density residential uses and sea walls for most of its length, the exception being the southern end of the
receiver site. At this southern end, Visitor Commercial and Beach Commercial uses exist including a motel,
a hotel, and restaurants. Also at the southern end is Powerhouse Park, which is a Public Parkland use
designated by the City. Powerhouse Park lies atop steep vegetated bluffs. Nearby surf spots are shown
on Figure 3.6-1.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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