3.6 Land and Water Use
The City of San Diego, in response to beach sand erosion and lateral drift concerns, produced a plan for
shoreline development named The Ocean Edge of San Diego (City of San Diego 1969). The Ocean
Edge of San Diego makes the following recommendations, which are still viable relative to sand
preservation and replenishment:
Sand replenishment is a regio nal problem, and any effective long-range management
program should be directed and implemented on the basis of regional studies and policies.
A sand replenishment program should be instituted for the San Diego shoreline and
particularly the Pacific Beach/Mission Beach/Mission Bay beaches...
Sand replenishment of beaches should be coordinated with future dredging projects and
should be narrow in scope. Selective dredging action should provide the proper mitigating
measures to protect environmentally sensitive habitat areas, i.e., eel grass, from impacts of
the dredging activity...
Imperial Beach
On-site and Adjacent Land Use
The proposed Imperial Beach receiver site (maximum length) extends for approximately 3,470 feet (0.7
mile) from Imperial Beach Boulevard to approximately 1,000 feet south of Encanto Avenue. Residential
uses are located along Seacoast Drive South. The Tijuana River Natural Estuarine Research Reserve,
which includes the Tijuana Slough NationalWildlife Refuge, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS) is located to the south and east. The Imperial Beach pier is located approximately 1,000 feet
to the north ofthe receiver site. Among other recreational activities common to other beaches in the region,
visitors to this beach enjoy nature interpretation due to its proximity to the Tijuana Slough National Wildlife
Refuge. The beach turns from gently sloping and sandy in the northern part of the receiver site to narrow,
steep and cobbly as one travels south. Rip-rap exists along the site to protect beach front property.
Popular surf spots are shown on Figure 3.6-2.
The Imperial Beach receiver site involves sovereign lands granted to the San Diego Unified Port District
pursuant to Chapter 1796, Statutes of 1990.
Page 3.6-20
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.5 to 3.12.wpd 7/17/00