3.6 Land and Water Use
The Encinitas General Plan identifies issues and opportunities relative to planning decisions within the City.
Regarding beaches, the plan states, "the beach areas are losing sand depth each year and sand
replenishment programs are needed to provide for their restoration." Additionally, the Resource
Management Element of the General Plan identifies the following policies relevant to the proposed action:
The City will encourage measures which would replenish sandy beaches in
order to protect coastal bluffs from wave action and maintain beach
recreational resources. The City shall consider the needs of surf-related
recreational activities prior to implementation of such measures.
The City shall explore the prevention of beach sand erosion. Beaches shall be
artificially nourished with excavated sand whenever suitable material becomes
available through excavation or dredging, in conjunction with the development of
a consistent and approved project. The City shall obtain necessary permits to be
able to utilize available beach replenishment sands (as necessary, permits from the
Army Corps of Engineers, California Coastal Commission, Department of Fish and
Game, USEPA, etc.).
In compliance with the California Coastal Act of 1976, the City of Encinitas includes an LCP LUP in its
General Plan. The LUP identifies policies and provisions that serve to apply the Coastal Act in the City.
Leucadia, Moonlight, and Cardiff State Beaches, operated and maintained by the California State
Department of Parks and Recreation, are subject to guidelines set forth in the San Diego Coastal State
Park System General Plan (refer to the relevant land use policy described under South Carlsbad State
Solana Beach
On-site and Adjacent Land Use
The proposed receiver site in the City of Solana Beach is located just south of Fletcher Cove Beach Park
(terminus of Plaza Drive) and extends approximately 1,800 feet (0.3 mile) south. Steep cliffs abut the
receiver site and the area consists of a gently sloping sand beach with scattered rocks and cobbles.
Fletcher Cove received 51,000 cy of sand from excavated fill in the spring of 1999 (Semple 1999). The
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.5 to 3.12.wpd 7/17/00