3.6 Land and Water Use
Land Use Policies
The Conservation and Open Space Element of the City of Imperial Beach General Plan and Coastal Plan
(1994) contains the following policy regarding sand deposition:
CO-1 The Beach: Imperial Beach has few industries and must, therefore, rely on the
attraction of tourists for economic development. The beach area is most critical and
the City should:
Assure continued replenishment of sand.
Goal 11c. Immediate Ocean Shoreline. The ocean, beach and the immediately
abutting land are recognized as an irreplaceable natural resource to be enjoyed by
the entire City and region. This unique, narrow strip of land should receive careful
recognition and planning. The purpose of the beach is to make available to the
people, for their benefit and enjoyment forever, the scenic, natural, cultural, and
recreational resources of the ocean, beach and related lands.
Safety Element, Goal S-11:
The City should protect property by:
d) Working in coordination with SANDAG and other coastal cities in
developing a regional beach replenishment program and continuing to
implement the adopted "Shoreline Preservation Strategy for the San Diego
Borrow Sites
The proposed offshore borrow sites are illustrated in Figures 2-15 through 2-20. The sites are located
from approximately 1,800 feet (0.3 mile) to 6,750 feet (1.3 miles) offshore. All of the dredge sites are
surrounded by ocean water and recreational activities include diving, sailing, and fishing. Adjacent uses of
submerged lands include sewer outfalls, artificial reefs, and underwater parks.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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