3.6 Land and Water Use
South Carlsbad North receiver site, stretching for approximately 1,830 feet (0.3 mile) southward. Due to
their locationon a State Beach adjacent to the South Carlsbad State Beach Campground, the receiver sites
are highly utilized for recreational purposes. The campground consists of 222 campsites, a lifeguard tower,
park ranger facilities, and maintenance facilities. Beach surf breaks are scattered along the shore in the
vicinity of the receiver site. No nearshore reefs supporting surf breaks are located within the immediate
vicinity of these receiver sites. Surfing conditions in this area are primarily dependent upon shifting
formations of nearshore sandbars (Figure 3.6-1). Adjacent land use includes several new residential and
mixed use development projects currently being constructed along Coast Highway 101.
At bothreceiver sites, the CSLC has jurisdiction over sovereign land. Authorization from the CSLC would
be required for implementation of the proposed action.
Land Use Policies
Both sites are located within the Coastal Zone as designated in the City of Carlsbad General Plan (1994).
For relevant plans and policies under the City's Land Use Element and LCP, refer to the discussion above
under the North Carlsbad subheading.
The receiver sites are also subject to the plans and policies identified in the San Diego Coastal State Park
System General Plan, Volume 3: South Carlsbad State Beach (1984). This plan identifies proposed
improvements to South Carlsbad State Beach facilities and policies intended to protect natural resources
in the vicinity of the State Beach. The following policy is relevant to the proposed action:
Littoral sand loss is recognized as a major threat to existing facilities and
recreational resources. The department shall work with other agencies, including
the California Department of Boating and Waterways, the City of Carlsbad, the San
Diego Association of Governments, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to
develop regional solutions to the sand loss problem. Any major program of sand
replenishment or retention must consider the regional nature of the problem and the
regional impact of actions taken along a segment of the shoreline.
Page 3.6-10
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 3.5 to 3.12.wpd 7/17/00