3.6 Land and Water Use
On-site and Adjacent Land Use
Within the CityofEncinitas, there are four proposed receiver sites: Batiquitos, Leucadia, Moonlight Beach,
and Cardiff. At all Encinitas receiver sites the CSLC has jurisdiction over sovereign land. Authorization
from the CSLC would be required for implementation of the proposed action.
The Batiquitos site is located approximately 750 feet south of the Batiquitos Lagoon, stretching for
approximately 1,390 feet (0.3 mile) from the City of Carlsbad into the community of Leucadia and
Leucadia State Beach, which are within the City of Encinitas. The northern part of the site is known as
"Ponto." This state beach is a unit of the state park system, but is operated by the City of Encinitas. The
state beach is subject to the San Diego Coastal State Park System General Plan. Leucadia State Beach
received 875,026 visitors in fiscal year 1997-1998 (California Department ofParks and Recreation 1999).
Adjacent land use is predominantly open space and residential, with some commercial uses along Coast
Highway 101.
Due to erosion at this site, it is only moderately used for recreational purposes. In addition, public access
to the southern segment of this beach is limited due to steep cliffs abutting the beach. There are also
lifeguard stands along the beach. Several popular surf breaks exist along the shore in the vicinity of the
receiver site, including Ponto, Tomato Patch, and Grandview (Figure 3.6-1). All surf breaks from Tomato
Patch south to D Street are beach breaks with waves produced by scattered rocky reefs.
The proposed receiver beach at this site extends approximately 2,700 feet (0.5 mile) from just south of the
Grandview access stairs to Glaucus Street. As described above, this state beach is a unit of the state park
system, but is operated by the City of Encinitas. The Leucadia site is similar to the southern end of the
Batiquitos site in that recreation is limited due to difficult access. Public stairways exist at Grandview Street
and Leucadia Boulevard (Beacon's), and several private stairways serve existing residences atop the bluff.
The Leucadia receiver site is adjacent to the same surf breaks and reefs mentioned above for the Batiquitos
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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