Executive Summary
Growth Inducement
The proposed action would result in a temporary increase in beach area and sand cover at up to 12
receiver sites. A benefit of the project would be enhancement or continuation of the recreational usage of
each of the receiver sites. The resulting temporary recreational benefits derived from the additional beach
area would not be expected to increase the demand for public services and utilities, nor create a need for
additional recreational facilities above current projections.
Effects Found Not to Be Significant
The Initial Study prepared for project evaluated several issues found not to be significant, and were
therefore not analyzed in this EIR/EA. These issues were hazards and hazardous materials, mineral
resources, public services, agricultural resources, and population and housing. The remainder of the issue
areas listed in the Initial Study form were evaluated in detail in this document in Chapter 4.0. This analysis
determined that the proposed San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project, as defined to include the monitoring
and mitigation program in subsection ES-5, would not have a long-term significant effect on any of the
evaluated issue areas.
Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
There would be no disproportionate impacts to children during implementation of the proposed sand
replenishment project. No significant impacts would occur and there is no indication that any impacts
would disproportionately accrue to children. Areas of replenishment would be restricted during project
implementation for safety reasons and no long-term effects would occur after the beach areas were
reopened for public use.
Environmental Justice
The proposed sand replenishment project would not have a disproportionate impact on minority
populations or low-income populations because the areas encompassed by the replenishment sites do not
include disproportionately highminoritypopulations or low-income populations compared to the contiguous
cities or the county.
Page ES-30
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA es.wpd 7/17/00