Executive Summary
Table ES-7. Continued
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
No Action
Because of the distance between borrow sites and viewers, the
relatively small size of dredge area when viewed in the ocean
horizon, and the other boating activity that is also visible, there
would be no permanent significant visual impact.
Alternative 1a. There would be no significant direct impacts to the
Alternative 2a. Impacts resulting from Alternative 2a would be
The benefits of enhanced beaches for recreation,
commercial fishery as a result of area preclusion of fishing effort,
similar to those identified for Alternative 1a, but somewhat
property protection and tourism would not
long-term damage to target species populations as a result of
smaller in area and different in specific location. While
occur. There would be no change to current
sedimentation of nursery habitat areas for commercial species, or
temporary adverse impacts to commercial fisheries target species
fisheries fluctuations.
loss of fishing gear as a result of dredging or sand placement
may occur on a localized basis, or at the individual fishing
operations. In terms of the regional fishery, there would be no
operation level due to temporary displacement from favored
significant impact to the overall fishery. Individual lobster
fishing sites, no significant commercial fisheries impacts are
fishermen and, to a lesser extent, urchin and live trap (primarily
crab and sheephead) fishermen may experience temporary adverse
impacts from short-term displacement from favored small area
fishing locations. Nursery habitat may experience short-term
localized adverse impacts but the relative size of potentially
affected areas (0.24 acre surfgrass, 0.3 acre of feather boa, and 3.2
acres kelp) would be insignificant to the overall available habitat.
The potential for impacts resulting from gear loss will be
minimized through a pro-active effort to coordinate with
commercial fishermen in advance of, and during, dredging
operations for the borrow site and transit areas. In addition to
onshore restricted access, an offshore area would be restricted to
allow proper anchoring of the dredge and pumping operations and
protect public safety. Each of the dredge locations would be
initiation of dredge activities, an observer would be aboard the
dredge to document any fishing gear in the noticed transit or dredge
areas. Gear within these areas, if damaged or destroyed, would not
require compensation. If gear outside of the noticed dredge areas
or transit corridors is damaged or destroyed, compensation would be
the responsibility of the contractor. Impacts to kelp harvesting
activities will be less than significant given the small area of kelp
coverage that will experience partial temporary sedimentation and
the generally poor quality of kelp habitat within the affected
littoral cell. Impacts to sport fishermen and divers will be less than
significant. Short-term adverse impacts may be experienced by
dive operations in the "Wreck Alley" area off of Mission Beach
during the 11 days of dredging operations at the adjacent borrow
site, and there may be temporary impacts to sport fishing and
diving resulting from localized turbidity plumes at borrow and
receiver sites.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-25
99-69\SANDAG EIREA es.wpd 7/17/00