Executive Summary
Table ES-7. Continued
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
No Action
Alternative 1a. During beach replenishment operations, safety
Alternative 2a. Public health and safety impacts under this
No dredging or replenishment activities would
measures would be implemented in the vicinity of the receiver
alternative would be similar to those described for Alternative 1.
occur. At some receiver beaches, waves would
beaches, including fencing, barricades, and flag personnel, as
The South Carlsbad South receiver site proposed under this
continue to erode fragile bluffs that support
necessary. During replenishment operations, the discharge
alternative also has temporary lifeguard towers in place during
property and structures. This erosion would
pipelines (outside the construction zone) would be covered with
summer months. If sand replenishment occurs during the
continue unabated.
sand at key access points to create pedestrian bridges and ensure
summer season when the temporary lifeguard towers are onsite,
public access. Public health and safety benefits would temporarily
SANDAG would coordinate with the respective jurisdiction to
result from sand placement at eroded areas adjacent fragile bluffs.
temporarily relocate the towers during construction. Temporary
A sand, cobble, or earthen ramp would allow for access from
relocation would not impair the ability of lifeguards to ensure
lifeguard stations, over the land pipeline, and to the ocean as
public safety since this portion of the beach would be closed to
necessary. SANDAG would coordinate with the respective
the public during construction activities. The towers would be
jurisdiction to temporarily relocate non-permanent lifeguard towers
replaced after sand placement, before the beach is reopened for
during construction. Near permanent lifeguard towers, the line-of-
recreational uses. This alternative would incrementally benefit
sight from tower viewing platforms would be preserved. Sediment
those areas threatened by bluff failure (although temporarily).
characterization analyses confirmed that replenishment material is
However, Encinitas beaches near fragile bluffs (i.e., Batiquitos,
clean beach-quality material and would not pose a threat to public
Leucadia, and Moonlight receiver sites) would not receive this
health and safety. Beach fill would not be placed above the height
incremental benefit under Alternative 2. Impacts would be less
of the existing beach berm so increased scarp heights would not
than significant.
occur. For vessel safety, an approximate 500- by 500-foot buffer
area would be maintained around the dredge offshore waters, to
Alternative 2b. Although this alternative would take longer to
allow proper anchoring and pump line operation, and the anchoring
implement, it would still be short-term, and no significant
area would be included in the Notice to Mariners, which is overseen
impacts are anticipated.
by the U.S. Coast Guard. No significant impacts would result to
public health and safety.
Alternative 1b. Public access to the actual zones of construction
would be closed for a longer period of time when compared to
Alternative 1a. Also, lifeguard towers would be moved for a longer
period of time until construction is completed. Although this
alternative would take longer to implement, it would still be short-
term overall and no significant impacts are anticipated.
Alternative 1a. At all receiver sites, any sand placed around storm
Alternative 2a. Implementation of this alternative would result
There would be no impacts to structures and
drain outlets would be dug out to allow proper drainage. The
in similar effects to structures and utilities as analyzed for
utilities. The beneficial effect of stabilizing
bottom of public stairs and public access ramps may be covered by
Alternative 1. Sand placement is beneficial for structures since it
structures such as stairways and outfalls would
the fill, which would tend to stabilize the stairways. Sand at the base
provides additional support and protection against erosion and
not occur under this alternative.
of lifeguard towers would provide additional protection against
storm damage during winter months.
storm surge damage and would temporarily benefit the lifeguard
towers. Overall, impacts would be less than significant.
Alternative 2b. As with Alternative 2a, replenishment would
result in a beneficial impact to structures and utilities by
Alternative 1b. As with Alternative 1a, replenishment would result
stabilizing them; no significant impacts to structures and utilities
in a beneficial impact to structures and utilities by stabilizing them;
are anticipated.
no significant impacts to structures and utilities are anticipated.
Page ES-26
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA es.wpd 7/17/00