Executive Summary
Cumulative impacts were analyzed in consideration of other reasonably foreseeable projects in the vicinity
of project areas. Cumulative projects considered in the analysis consist of other ongoing or proposed
beach nourishment projects adjacent to the receiver sites; capital improvement or development projects
proposed adjacent to receiver sites; and proposed actions adjacent to the borrow sites. The analysis
concludes that no significant cumulative impacts would result with implementation of Alternatives 1, 2, or
the No Action Alternative.
This section of the EIS/EIR addresses various other topics required by NEPA and CEQA.
Significant Unavoidable Adverse Effects
The EIR/EA evaluated the proposed alternatives with respect to numerous issues. None of the potential
impacts associated with the proposed project, as defined to include the monitoring and mitigation plan
described in subsection ES-5, would be considered significant.
Short-term Uses and Long-term Productivity
Implementation of the proposed action would not result in any environmental impacts that would
significantly narrow the range of beneficial uses of the environment or pose long-term risks to health, safety,
or the general welfare of the public communities surrounding the receiver sites. Rather, the project would
provide for future beneficial beach resources (e.g., recreational activities, sandy shoreline habitat).
Irreversible/Irretrievable Commitments of Resources
The proposed action would result in the consumptive use of nonrenewable energy sources and labor
required to operate dredges, trucks, pumping equipment, and grading equipment. The proposed action
would not result in the use of a substantial amount of resources and would be short-term in nature.
Additionally, no natural resources would be permanently destroyed and beach replenishment would be
considered beneficial to the region.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-29
99-69\SANDAG EIREA es.wpd 7/17/00