Executive Summary
Essential Fish Habitat
The project action would not result in long-term or significant effects to sustainable fisheries present in the
Coastal Pelagics or Pacific Groundfish Fish Management Plans. During dredging activities, fish would
move from the area of active dredge, but these species would not be lost to the ecosystem nor would
migration patterns be affected. Fish that feed on benthic biota would experience short-term loss of prey,
but because the active area of dredge would be small, the affect would not be significant. All dredging
operations would be performed in conformance with the permit conditions established by the 401 permit
issued by the RWQCB to control turbidity.
Federal, state, and local agencies were consulted prior to and during the preparation of this EIR/EA.
Agencies were notified of dredging and replenishment plans for closure and disposal activities by mailings;
by scheduled public meetings; and by publication of an NOP announcing preparation of a Draft EIR/EA,
as required by CEQA and NEPA. The agencies' viewpoints were solicited with regard to activities within
their jurisdiction. In addition, close coordination has occurred among SANDAG, the Navy, local
jurisdictions and regulatory agencies since the inception of this project. The alternatives analyzed in this
document are the result of an iterative process to present information to the resource agencies, obtain their
input, incorporate modifications into project design, and present the revised plan. Numerous interactive
meetings were held between March 1999 and May 2000 to facilitate this process.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-31
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