Executive Summary
Table ES-7. Continued
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
No Action
Alternative 1a. Beach replenishment activities would not
Alternative 2a. Alternative 2 would result in similar impacts to
As no beach replenishment activities would
significantly affect traffic, as Alternative 1 would generate very
those described for Alternative 1. Impacts would be less than
occur, no trips would be generated.
few trips. Personnel would park in public parking areas and would
not create significant parking impacts given the small size of the
land-side beach construction crew (approximately 12 persons).
Traffic and parking could increase after sand placement at some
locations, as beaches would become more attractive to recreational
Alternative 2b. Because dredging and replenishment activities
users. However, sand is not expected to last for the long-term, and
would take a longer amount of time, construction vehicles would
congestion at beaches is an accepted occurrence. There would be
require vicinity parking and access to the receiver sites for a
no significant impacts to traffic.
longer period of time. Impacts would be less than significant due
to the short-term nature of construction and small number of
Alternative 1b. With implementation of the longer construction
schedule proposed under Alternative 1b, construction vehicles
would require vicinity parking and access for a slightly longer
period of time. Impacts would still be less than significant due to
the short-term nature of this alternative and the very small number
of trips.
Alternative 1a. The sand would be quite moist, and the potential
Alternative 2a. Project-related emissions are less than the
As no construction would occur, no air quality
for dust generation would be very low; impacts would be less than
General Conformity Rules threshold values and the proposed
impacts would result.
significant. The emissions of CO, ROC and NOx from dredge and
action is presumed to conform with the SIP. There is a very low
construction equipment would be less than the General Conformity
potential for dust generation because the material being moved is
Rules threshold values, and much less than ten percent of the air
extremely wet. Therefore there would be no significant air
basin emissions. Therefore, the proposed action is presumed to
quality impacts.
conform to the State Implementation Plan (SIP), and a formal
conformity determination is not required. Emissions would not
Alternative 2b. While the duration of construction would be
expose sensitive receptors to pollutant concentrations. Air quality
longer overall, the total emissions would not increase because
impacts would be less than significant.
there would be no emissions during the period when construction
was not occurring. The minimal amount of traffic and lack of
Alternative 1b. While the duration of construction would be longer
fugitive dust, plus conformity with the SIP would support the
overall, the total emissions would not increase because there would
conclusion of no significant impact.
be no emissions during the period when construction was not
occurring. Impacts would be less than significant.
Alternative 1a. While dredging activity and placement of the
Alternative 2a. While dredging activity and placement of the
There would be no change to current noise
conveyor pipe and sand distribution at the receiver sites would
conveyor pipe and sand distribution at the receiver sites would
generate noise, the impact would be less than significant.
generate noise, the impact would be less than significant.
Nighttime and weekend work at receiver beaches would be
Nighttime and weekend work at receiver beaches would be
performed under variance from the local noise ordinance where
performed under variance from the local noise ordinance where
required. Residents of homes near the receiver sites would be
required. Residents of homes near the receiver sites would be
notified prior to the work, and adverse nighttime noise events
notified prior to the work, and adverse nighttime noise events
would occur for no more than three consecutive days within 200
would occur for no more than three consecutive days within 200
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page ES-27
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