Executive Summary
Table ES-7. Continued
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
No Action
feet of the homes. Booster pumps would be electric motor driven
feet of the homes. Booster pumps would be electric motor
or diesel engines that would be shielded to attenuate noise to less
driven or diesel engines that would be shielded to attenuate noise
than significant levels.
to less than significant levels.
Alternative 1b. Noise generation would be the same as Alternative
Alternative 2b. Noise generation would be the same as
1a. No noise ordinance variances would be required. Short-term
Alternative 2a. No noise ordinance variances would be required.
nighttime and weekend impacts would not occur at receiver beaches
Short-term nighttime and weekend impacts would not occur at
where nighttime and weekend work is prohibited. Other impacts
receiver beaches where nighttime and weekend work is
and noise reduction measures would be the same as for Alternative
prohibited. Other impacts and noise reduction measures would be
1a. Impacts would be less than significant.
the same as for Alternative 1a. Impacts would be less than
Page ES-28
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA es.wpd 7/17/00