Hivel2D users manual
The super file provides HIVEL2D with all of the file names involved in the
simulation and no more prompts are necessary. Likewise, an entire simulation can be
imported to SMS at once by opening the super file, using the open simulation dialog (fig
3.2). The super file name and full path are specified by selecting the Super File button at
the top of the Save Simulation dialog which brings up the File Browser. The name and
location (path) of the super file are specified. The super file and all of the other HIVEL2D
input files are stored in the selected directory (fig. 3.3).
Figure 3.3 Save Simulation
Hot Start
The hot start file necessary for the simulation is created using the Build Hot Start
dialog (fig 3.4).
Model Control
The hydrodynamic and computation parameter input file contains the hydraulic
information about the run, the designation of boundary inflow and outflow nodes as well
as the computation parameters. The dialog Model control (fig. 3.5) assigns the various
hydrodynamic and computation parameter for the model run.
Chapter 3 Developing an Application