Hivel2D users manual
c. Each file name can be up to 15 characters for UNIX and IBM compatibles (e.g.,
d The file extensions of SUP, GEO, FLO, HOT, and DAT are ones that are typically
used to designate files, but these suffixes are arbitrary.
e. The geometry file contains the node locations and the element connection table.
f. The hydrodynamic and computation parameter input file contains the hydraulic
information about the run, the designation of boundary inflow and outflow nodes as
well as the computation parameters. Examples of computation parameters are the
specific boundary values of depth and flow rates, roughness, time-step size, number
of iterations, etc.
g. The output files contains the water-surface elevation and velocity fields for all nodes
at each time location designated in the hydrodynamic input file. This information
can then be converted to a form that can be viewed in SMS.
h. The hot start file contains the time, p, q, and depth for the last two time-steps. This
is used to start the calculation. This file is overwritten by each successful run; so, if
it might be needed later, make a copy of it under another name before running the
After the file names are input, the program will begin running and several banners will
appear on the screen.
First, the program informs the user of
any unused
lines in
the geometry file and
prints the contents of the unused lines.
b. Next, the contents of the hydrodynamic input file are displayed on the screen to
allow the user to check the values that were read.
c. If the coefficients CSM, CSH, or α are out of range, the program will report the error
and halt.
d. Then, as the program runs, the results for each time-step are displayed. These
results include the number of iterations required, the maximum residual error and
the node with which it is associated, the average energy, the minimum vorticity and
the element where it occurred, and the maximum vorticity and the element where it
Chapter 3 Developing an Application