Hivel2D users manual
Figure 3.7 Node String Boundary Conditions
Model Checker
Once a grid is generated and all of the analysis options and boundary conditions
have been specified, the next step is to save the simulation to disk and Run HIVEL.
However, before saving the simulation and running HIVEL, the model should be checked
with the Model Checker. Because of the significant amount of data required for a
HIVEL2D simulation, it is often easy to neglect important data or to define inconsistent or
incompatible options and parameters. Such errors will either cause HIVEL2D to crash or
to generate an erroneous solution. The purpose of the Model Checker is to analyze the
input data currently defined for the model simulation and report any obvious errors or
potential problems.
Running the Model Checker successfully does not guarantee that a solution
will be correct. It simply serves as an initial check on the input data and can
save a considerable amount of time that would otherwise be lost tracking down
input errors.
To check the current HIVEL2D data, select the Model Check command from the
HIVEL menu. The Model Check dialog shown in Figure 3.8 will appear. To run the
Model Checker, select the button labeled Run Check at the bottom of the dialog. This
generates a list of possible errors and warning messages in the top scrolling window.
Chapter 3 Developing an Application