Control structure element
A special 2-node element with an IMAT > 904. The first node in the element
connection table should be the side of the structure with the typical higher elevation.
The process of obtaining a solution by way of an iterative solution technique, such as
the Newton-Raphson method.
See Also:
Critical Shear Stress
Curved boundary
An optional aesthetic means to outline key landmarks within the computational
domain. A quadratic curved side is created by assigning (x, y) coordinates to the
mid-side node of an element. Curving can help conserve mass in the transport
SMS Note: Curved boundaries may be
created within the SMS program by
unlocking the nodes and moving the mid-side node. Some automatic curving
features are available as well.
Data Field
A specific location on a record (card in TABS-MD programs) in a data file where a
data value occurs.
Delta time step
The increment of prototype time between two time steps.
The mass of a substance per unit volume. In the English system the units are pounds-
seconds square/feet to the fourth power. In the metric system the units are kg/L
Glossary of Terms 155
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