Mesh Module -
(a) Display | DisplayOptions
(1) All off
(2) OK
g. Save all the SMS working files, update project.spr, and create the
STWAVE 2-D input current field file project.cur. If the project is
saved, current field file building for input to STWAVE may be
temporarily discontinued at any time in the process outlined above and
resumed at a later time.
File | Save Project...
h. To resume a project:
File | Open -> project.spr
i. Ensure that project.cur is copied to the STWAVE project directory,
and that project.cur reflects the STWAVE directory's project name.
Model Control
The Model Control dialog lets the user select appropriate settings for the
application of the STWAVE model. These settings are saved by SMS in the
STWAVE input file, project.std (Chapter 3, "Model Parameters").
Start SMS
a. Cartesian Grid Module -
STWAVE | Model Control...
(a) Check grid definition. The cell size and number of columns/rows
are read from project.dep. Do not change these values. The
origin and azimuth values (project.sim) do not affect
(1) Cell size (m): 25.
(2) Number of columns: 188
(3) Number of rows: 236
(4) X origin (m): 321470.
Chapter 5 SMS User Interface