Press OK to close the Spectral Energy Dialog.
b. File | Save Project... Saves all the SMS working files, updates
project.spr, and creates the STWAVE 2-D energy spectra file
project.eng. If the project was saved, development of input spectra
may be temporarily discontinued at any time in the process outlined
above and resumed at a later time.
c. To resume a project:
File | Open -> project.spr
Identify Monitoring Stations
A convenient point and click capability is available in SMS for the user to
select monitoring stations. Then, monitoring station locations are saved in the
STWAVE input file project.std as I- and J-grid-cell indices (Chapter 3,
"Model Parameters"). After running the model, wave spectra for each
monitoring station are written to the STWAVE output file project.obs
(Chapter 4, "Selected Wave Spectra"). Also, model results for wave parameters
Hmo, Tp, and mean wave direction, αm, are written to the STWAVE output file
selhts for each monitoring station.
Start SMS
a. Cartesian Grid Module -
Display monitoring station (cell) on the grid by denoting with a red
box inside the cell. The red box symbol can be changed in the
STWAVE Display Options.
(a) Display | Display Options->check Cells.
(b) Press Options...
(c) Only check, Observation Symbol -> OK
(d) OK
Repeat the following steps for each cell you wish to identify as a
monitoring station. In this example three monitoring stations are
identified at cell locations: (110,157), (131,117), (146,86)
(a) Click Select Cell
in the Tool Palette.
(1) OPTION: Click your mouse cursor on the screen. The I,J
location of the cell is displayed in the bottom right of the
Chapter 5 SMS User Interface