(5) Y origin (m): 108765.
(6) Azimuth (deg): 350.
(b) Index: Time-Step
(c) Source Terms: Source Term & Propagation
(e) Breaking: Write Indices
(g) OK
b. File | Save Project... Saves all the SMS working files, updates project.spr,
and creates the STWAVE input parameter file project.std (Chapter 3,
"Model Parameters").
When all the necessary input files are created (bathymetry, input spectra,
monitoring stations, current (optional), and model control), the model is ready to
simulate conditions specified by the input. STWAVE results are saved in
project.obs, project.wav, selhts, project.brk, and
radstress (Chapter 4)
Start SMS
a. Cartesian Grid Module -
File | Open -> project.sim
(a) STWAVE | Run model.
(1) A dialog appears identifying the path to the STWAVE
i. Click OK.
(2) Then, a DOS window is launched with model output
directed to the screen. When the STWAVE model run
completes, the message, Press return to continue, is
written to the DOS window. The DOS window disappears
after you press the return key.
Chapter 5 SMS User Interface