screen in the edit window. Hold down the shift key to
select more than one cell.
(b) From the Menu Bar, select DATA | Find Cell
(1) You may enter the I,J location or the X,Y coordinates to
identify the cell.
(2) Press OK.
(c) STWAVE | Assign Cell Atts... Check, Monitoring Station.
Then, press OK.
File | Save Project... Saves all the SMS working files, updates
project.spr, and creates the monitoring station file project.std.
Wave-Current Interaction
Wave-current interaction requires current fields imported from a
hydrodynamic model (e.g., ADCIRC, RMA2, or some other source) on the
STWAVE grid. The extent of the current model domain must be the same or
larger than the wave model domain. Many STWAVE simulations can be made
using one current field (ICUR=2, Chapter 3) or current fields may be specified
for each input wave spectrum (ICUR=1, Chapter 3). If the second option is
chosen, the number of current fields must equal the number of input spectra. For
this example, there are two input current fields having event identifiers, 175500
and 200700. Because wave-current interaction is also specified for this example,
the number of input spectra events equals the number of current field events, and
the event identifiers for input spectra match the event identifiers for current fields
(Chapter 3, "Current Fields").
Two ADCIRC model files are used to build the SMS current grid. The first
file, grid.14, is an ADCIRC input file containing the finite-element grid,
bathymetry, and boundaries. The second file, Current_base.64, is an ADCIRC
output file containing velocities (u and v) at each grid node.
The following SMS instructions create a 2-D current grid file
(project.cur) that is used as the input current field file for STWAVE. Note:
create a new directory for processing current field data, and place a copy of files
grid.14 and Current_base.64 in the new directory. This precautionary measure is
to avoid possibly overwriting the STWAVE Cartesian grid or project working
files outlined in "Build STWAVE Cartesian Grid."
Start SMS.
a. Mesh Module -
Display | DisplayOption
Chapter 5 SMS User Interface