P. Wang et al. / Coastal Engineering 46 (2002) 175211
Fig. 23. Time averages of the ``shifted'' longshore flux in comparison with flux obtained from the product of time-averaged longshore current
and time-averaged concentration. Legends refer to distance from the shoreline and sensor elevation.
except at the plunging breaker line where less than
(Fig. 24, upper panel). While in the mid-surf zone, the
30% of the total longshore flux occurred within this
portion of the water column. The shapes of sediment-
panel). The shapes of sediment-flux profiles resemble
those of sediment concentration (Fig. 18), apparently
(1987), Kraus et al. (1988), and Wang (1998). A
dominated by the much more drastic upward decrease
generalized empirical shape for the surf zone sedi-
of concentration, which overwhelmed the relatively
ment-flux profile was derived based on field data
slow upward increase of longshore current. At most
collected using streamer sediment traps (Kraus,
cross-shore locations, over 70% of the total longshore
1987; Wang, 1998). The profiles obtained in this
sediment flux occurred within 5 cm from the bed,