P. Wang et al. / Coastal Engineering 46 (2002) 175211
denoted ``profile integration'' in the figures. The large
little is known within 1 cm of the bed, no estimate of
longshore flux at the plunging breaker line was
the near-bed sediment flux was made. Also, the sedi-
reproduced well. Sediment flux across the entire
ment flux was not calculated near the water surface.
mid-surf zone was significantly underpredicted for
Therefore, the integrated sediment flux did not include
the plunging case. The flux at the spilling breaker
the transport that occurred within 1 cm from the bed
line was overestimated. Reasons for this overestima-
and the upper 30%, or so, of the water depth.
tion are not clear. For the spilling-breaker case, sedi-
Overall, the cross-shore distribution of the calcu-
ment flux across most of the mid-surf zone was
lated longshore sediment flux compared reasonably
reproduced reasonably well, except close to the shore-
well with the measured flux at the downdrift traps
line, where an underprediction occurred. Because
(Fig. 25). These fluxes calculated from the product of
certain flux contributions near the bed and water
time-averaged current and concentration profiles are
Fig. 25. Comparison of sediment-flux distribution measured at the downdrift traps, integrated over depth, and calculated values.