6.0 Other Considerations Required by CEQA/NEPA
Species that many occasionally occur in habitats represented by the borrow sites, but generally found
offshore of these sites:
Soupfin Shark
Big Skate
Greenspotted Rockfish
Longnose Skate
Species not found in the San Diego area or deep water species include:
Finescale Codling
Quillback Rockfish
Pacfic Rattail
Redbanded Rockfish
Pacific Cod
Redstripe Rockfish
Pacific Whiting
Rosethorn Rockfish
Rougheye Rockfish
Aurora Rockfish
Sharpchin Rockfish
Bank Rockfish
Shortbelly Rockfish
Black Rockfish
Shortraker Rockfish
Blackgill Rockfish
Shortspine Thornyhead
Silvergray Rockfish
Bronzespotted Rockfish
Speckled Rockfish
Canary Rockfish
Splitnose Rockfish
Stripetail Rockfish
China Rockfish
Tiger Rockfish
Yelloweye Rockfish
Darkblotched Rockfish
Yellowmouth Rockfish
Dusky Rockfish
Yellowtail Rockfish
Flag Rockfish
Arrowtooth Flounder
Greenstriped Rockfish
Butter Sole
Greenblotched Rockfish
Dover Sole
Harlequin Rockfish
Flathead Sole
Longspine Thornyhead
Rex Sole
Mexican Rockfish
Rock Sole
Pacific Ocean Perch
Sand Sole
Pink Rockfish
Starry Flounder
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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