7.0 Consultation and Coordination
to discuss borrow sites and artificial reefs. On May 15, 2000, SANDAG staff met with USACOE,
USFWS, CDFG, NMFS and the Navy to address lagoon monitoring, surfgrass significance criteria,
project schedule, nesting season for federally listed bird species, and the Section 7 consultation process.
Because of the aggressive project time line, local jurisdictions and state agencies have also been involved
in coordinating the permitting effort. A meeting was held on July 8, 1999 with representatives of the
California State Lands Commission, California Coastal Commission, the Port of San Diego, and all seven
local jurisdictions to clarify the permit needs of each agency and coordinate the process within the structure
of each entity. A subsequent meeting was held with the California Coastal Commission on December 28,
1999 regarding the permitting time line. The permits required to implement this action are identified in
Section 2.7.
Extensive public coordination has occurred, and will continue to occur, as part of this proposed action.
Public involvement opportunities to date include the ongoing SEC meetings which are open to the public,
the EIR notification process via the Notice of Preparation (NOP), and other presentations to various
community groups and interested parties. When the EIR/EA is considered for certification by the
SANDAG Board there will be a public hearing on the document. Individual jurisdictions will likely have
public meetings and utilize the certified EIR/EA for local discretionary actions such as issuing coastal
permits or noise variances.
SEC Meetings
The SEC meets monthly generally on the first Thursday of every month. (The meeting is not scheduled in
August.) Meetings are open to the general public. Members of the print media are typically present and
subsequent to the meeting articles may appear in the Coast News, North County Times, San Diego
Union-Tribune, or other community papers.
Notice of Preparation to Prepare the Draft EIR
In conformance with CEQA, an NOP to prepare a Draft EIR was distributed by SANDAG to numerous
federal, state and local agencies involved with funding or approving the action, and to other interested
organizations and members of the public. A copy of the NOP, the NOP distribution list and copies of all
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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