6.0 Other Considerations Required by CEQA/NEPA
This section summarizes potential impacts from sand replenishment with respect to issues of environmental
justice, as mandated by Executive Order 12898. The "Executive Order on Federal Actions to Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations," issued on February 11,
1994, requires that the relative impacts of federal actions on minority populations and low-income
populations be addressed to avoid the placement of a disproportionate share of adverse impacts of these
actions on these groups. On April 21, 1995, the Secretary of Defense submitted a formal environmental
justice strategy and implementation plan to the USEPA.
In order to comply with the executive order, this EIR/EA process included gathering demographic and
income information from SANDAG and the 1990 census to identify areas of low-income and/or high
minority populations in the areas contiguous with the receiver sites that would potentially be exposed to
impacts. These receiver sites were then assessed for disproportionate impacts to low-income and minority
As discussed in Section 3.8, none of the areas adjacent to the project site(s) have minority populations
greater proportion than the San Diego Region as a whole. There are a few project census tracts which
have percent of minority populations higher than their jurisdictional city average, but the difference is not
substantial and the overall minority percentage remains lower than the County as a whole. Thus, in
comparison to the adjacent cities and the county, the census tracts contiguous with the sand replenishment
project area cannot be considered a high minority population area.
All but one project specific census tract (CT 102 in Imperial Beach) has a median income greater than the
County median (,028). However, even within the Imperial Beach tract, the median income is
substantially higher than that of the city (,029), indicating that this tract does not contain a
disproportionate number of low-income individuals.
The proposed sand replenishment project would not have a disproportionate impact on minority
populations or low-income populations because the areas encompassed by the replenishment sites do not
include disproportionately high minority populations or low-income populations compared to the contiguous
cities or the county.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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