6.0 Other Considerations Required by CEQA/NEPA
As addressed in Section 4.4, proposed dredging in the six borrow sites would result in impacts to
approximately 398 acres of surface area, representing less than two percent of the available shelf habitat.
All four of the Coastal Pelagic finfish species can be found in the borrow site areas as these nearshore
waters are productive and these species move through these areas while foraging. In contrast, only a
portion of the 83 species comprising the Pacific GroundfishFMP would be found in the borrow site habitat.
The following lists provides a summary of the FMP species and where they might be expected relative to
the borrow sites
Species that are commonly found in habitats typified by the borrow sites:
California Skate
English Sole
Jack Mackerel
Pacific Sanddab
California Scorpionfish
Petrale Sole
Curlfin Sole
Species that may occasionally occur in habitats represented by the borrow sites, but generally are more
often associated with hard bottom habitats:
Grass Rockfish
Kelp Rockfish
Kelp Greenling
Olive Rockfish
Black-and-Yellow Rockfish
Rosy Rockfish
Blue Rockfish
Squarespot Rockfish
Brown Rockfish
Starry Rockfish
Calico Rockfish
Copper Rockfish
Vermilion Rockfish
Gopher Rockfish
Window Rockfish
Species that may occasionally occur inhabitats represented by the borrow sites, but generally found inshore
of these sites:
Leopard Shark
Spiny Dogfish
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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