4.13 Noise
Booster pumps are anticipated be required for replenishment at the Leucadia and Moonlight Beachreceiver
sites. The pump would likely be located in the Batiquitos/Leucadia area. If pump noise is 70 dBA Leq, and
the pump can be located at least 250 feet from a sensitive receptor, then the noise at the receptor would
be 56 dBA Leq. This noise would be at least 5 dBA below the ambient noise levels, and would not be a
significant impact. If a suitable location cannot be found at a distance of 250 feet or greater, there is a
choice of noise abatement measures to maintain less than significant noise impacts: (1) A sand berm can
be constructed around the pump to reduce noise; (2) it may be possible to use an electric motor to drive
the pump, rather than a diesel engine.
Torrey Pines
The nearest residential receptors to this site are approximately 2,000 feet away, and are closer to major
roadways than the beach area. Under favorable atmospheric conditions, project related noise may be
faintly heard at these receptors. There would be no significant noise impact.
Sensitive Bird Species
There are no specific noise standards set by the USFWS for the California least tern or the western snowy
plover (Hays 2000). The noise standard set for nesting sites of other southern California threatened or
endangered species (i.e., California gnatcatcher, least Bell's vireo) is 60 dBA (County ofSan Diego 1991).
Noise levels at 200 feet from the receiver beaches are projected to be, at peak, approximately 65 dBA
and on average approximately 55 dBA Leq. The distance from the receiver sites to the closest nesting
locations are shown in Table 4.13-1. Some nesting sites are shown to be in proximity to the receiver
beaches (i.e., just inland of Cardiff), they are all greater than 200 feet from the construction areas.
Therefore, due to the distance between the existing colonies and the proposed project sites (greater than
200 feet) and the high ambient surf noise levels (63 to 69 dBA Leq), construction activities would not be
expected to have a significant impact on the California least tern or western snowy plover colonies.
No significant impacts have been identified; accordingly, no mitigation measures are necessary.
Page 4.13-6
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.13.wpd 7/19/00