3.13 Noise
Table 3.13-10
Del Mar Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
Noise Level
dBA, Leq
DM-A. West end of 29th Street (north of
No other notable noise sources.
fill area), at sea wall, at same distance
Some fishing and running activities
from surf line as adjacent homes. Full
on beach, with no noise measurable
view of surf to north and south.
above the surf background.
DM-B. West end of 18th Street (south part
No other notable noise sources.
of fill area), at sea wall, at same distance
Some fishing and running activities
from surf line as adjacent homes. Full
on beach, with no noise measurable
view of surf to north and south.
above the surf background.
Measurement intervals of 10-17 minutes, July 26, 1999 between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.
Noise Levels
No noise levels were measured at this receiver site. There are no adjacent receptors so noise
measurements at this location would not be reflective of any experienced noise levels.
Mission Beach
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site is bounded on the east by a short concrete sea wall. The site would
extend from north of Ostend Court, on the north, to Santa Barbara Place, on the south. East of the
sea wall is Ocean Front Walk (also called The Boardwalk), a concrete walk approximately eight feet
wide, that is used extensively by pedestrians, at various speeds. Sensitive noise receptors include
single and multi-family residences that are east of the sea wall, with setbacks on the order of 10 to 25
feet. Sensitive receptors also include the people who use Ocean Front Walk.
Noise Levels
Table 3.13-11 shows the measured noise levels in the Mission Beach receiver site area. From this
data, it may be assumed that noise levels of 65 dBA would be typical at Ocean Front Walk, and 63 to
64 dBA at the homes east of Ocean Front Walk during periods when there is little or no activity on
Page 3.13-20
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02