3.13 Noise
the beach. Noise levels would be greater during periods of greater activity on the beach, principally
from voices.
Table 3.13-11
Mission Beach Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
dBA, Leq
MB-A. West end of Nahant Court
Machinery working beach 700-900 feet to
(north central part of fill area), at sea
the north; backup alarms spike meter to
wall. Full view of surf to north and
68. One commercial airplane flyover at
MB-B. West end of Ormond Court
Purpose of measurement was to sample
(north of fill area), at sea wall. Full
applicable equipment noise during beach sand
view of surf to north and south.
maintenance operations. Case 621 Wheel
Loader with rakes and Case 621B with
bucket. Working noise levels 68-71 dB at
75-100 feet from sea wall. Surf noise
only, est. at 61-65 dB.
MC-C. West end of Kennebeck Court
Most of period included drone of boat
at Sea Wall (south central part of fill
engine approx. 1/4 mile offshore.
area). Full view of surf to north and
Measurement intervals of 10-17 minutes, July 27, 1999 between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m.
Imperial Beach
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site is bounded on the east mostly by a rip-rap slope on the order of 10 feet
deep. The fill area would extend from north of Imperial Beach Boulevard to approximately 1,000
feet south of Encanto Avenue, on the south. Sensitive noise receptors include single and
multi-family residences that are east of the beach and rip-rap slope, with setbacks on the order of 5 to
10 feet. The Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, Imperial Beach, is located 3/4 mile east of the southern
portion of the fill site.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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