3.13 Noise
Table 3.13-12
Imperial Beach Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
dBA, Leq
IB-A. West end of Cortez Ave. (central
Some noise from refuse truck and auto
part of fill area), on rip-rap. Full view of
horns on Seacoast Drive.
surf to north and south.
IB-B. Same location as IB-A, but at rear
wall of residence.
IB-C. West end of Elkwood Ave. (north
Purpose of measurement was to sample
of fill area), even with rear windows of
equipment noise during beach sand
residences on either side. Level here,
maintenance operations. Case 621B
with no rip-rap. Full view of surf to
Wheel Loader with bucket. Working
north and south.
noise levels 68-72 dBA at 50-100 feet
measurement point, with machine
working perpendicular to surf line.
Background surf noise estimated at 67
dBA. A pass parallel to surf at 100 feet
from SLM was 72 dBA.
IB-D. Near location IB-C
No beach equipment operating.
Supports background estimate.
IB-E. West end of Imperial Beach Blvd,
even with rear walls of adjacent
residences. Ful view of surf.
IB-F. West end of empty lot between
One helicopter flyover at 67 dBA.
Descanso and Encanto Aves. Behind rip-
rap, and even with windows of residence
to the south.
IB-G. West end of Encanto Ave., even
Includes noise from helicopters and
with rear walls of adjacent homes. Full
view of surf.
Measurement intervals of 3-10 minutes, July 27, 1999 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02