3.13 Noise
Del Mar
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site is bounded on the east by a short concrete sea wall. The fill area would
extend from north of 27th Street (south of the San Dieguito River mouth) to south of 17th Street, near
Powerhouse Park. Sensitive noise receptors include single and multi-family residences that are
immediately east of the sea wall from the north end of the site to just north of 17th Street. The rear
of the homes are typically two to four feet above the level of the beach. The beach is relatively deep,
on the order of 200 feet from sea wall to surf line. The east sides of the homes face Ocean Front
At 17th Street, there are motels and restaurants. Powerhouse Park, a popular recreation area, is south
of 17th Street. During July and August, there are concerts at Powerhouse Park on alternate Tuesday
evenings. The railroad track is adjacent to the southeast side of Powerhouse Park.
Noise Levels
Table 3.13-10 shows the measured noise levels in the Del Mar receiver site area. From this data, it
may be assumed that noise levels of 59-61 dBA would be typical at the homes and other sensitive
receptors adjacent to the sea wall during periods when there is little or no activity on the beach.
Noise levels would be greater during periods of greater activity on the beach, principally from voices.
Near the southern end of the site, additional noise would come from trains on the railroad tracks east
of Powerhouse Park, and from recreational activities in the park.
Torrey Pines
Sensitive Receptors
The proposed receiver site is located south of the mouth of Peasquitos Creek, in the area where
North Torrey Pines Road transitions from being adjacent to the beach to an inland route. The area is
part of the Torrey Pines State Reserve. The nearest residential receptors are approximately 2,000
feet northeast of the receiver site, and are separated from the receiver site by North Torrey Pines
Road, the railroad, and Carmel Valley Road.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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99-69\SECT-03.13.DOC 9/24/02