3.13 Noise
The proposed receiver site would extend from A Street to D Street in the city of Encinitas. The
Moonlight Beach recreation area and parking lot are east of the central part of the site. Sensitive
noise receptors include single and multi-family residences that are adjacent to the beach at the north
end. The east sides of these homes face 5th Street. The southernmost house is nominally at beach
level, with a porch adjacent to the receiver site. There is rip-rap protection approximately 10 feet
high and 8 feet deep at these houses. At the south end of the fill area, there is a day use park on a
bluff approximately 20 feet above the beach, and residences to the east of the park, on the east side of
Moonlight Lane.
Noise Levels
Table 3.13-8 shows the measured noise levels near the receptors north and south of the beach. Noise
levels were measured in early morning without other noise sources. Nighttime noise levels at the
homes close to the beach are estimated at 67-68 dBA.
Table 3.13-8
Moonlight Beach Receiver Site Noise Measurements(1)
Noise Level
dBA, Leq
MOO-A. West end of beach opposite the
Range 62-67 dBA. Would be louder
foot of A Street (north end of fill area).
with a full exposure.
Top of berm. 20' south of first house. 90
degree view of surf to south. View to
north blocked by house.
MOO-B. Moonlight overlook on bluff
Range 62-68 dBA.
(south end of fill area). Nearly full
MOO-C. East side of Moonlight Lane, at
Bluff shields noise from surf below.
residential building; east of MOO-B
MOO-D. On D Street stairs, even with
Range 64-68 dBA.
home on bluff to north (south of fill area).
Approx. 40 feet above beach. Full view
of surf to north and south.
Measurement intervals of 6-12 minutes, August 5, 1999 between 6:00 and 7:30 a.m.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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