3.7 Aesthetics
the beach. Buccaneer Beach Park is located within the receiver site. This park is situated where Loma
Alta Creek drains to the ocean. Because the immediate area has not been developed, there is a sandy
beach approximately 150 feet wide and 125 feet from the road to the line of rip-rap which protects homes
on either side of the park. Photograph B in Figure 3.7-1 is a photograph of the beach in front of Buccaneer
Beach Park and shows the relatively greater activity level at this location.
The delivery pipeline would make landfall south of 9th Avenue and continue south to the receiver site. It
would be generally parallel to the Strand on the west side of the sea wall. On the east side of the Strand
there are a mix of beach-front homes, condominiums, parks, shops, and restaurants. West of the road
there is a short wall which allows residents and users of the Strand to view the flat sandy beach. This beach
narrows as it approaches Wisconsin Avenue. Also visible are palm trees (parallel to the wall from 9th
Street to the Tyson Street Park), a traffic circle at 6th Street, a small parking lot just north of the pier at 3rd
Street, and various lifeguard towers.
North Carlsbad
Primary views of the proposed North Carlsbad receiver site are from beachfront residences, which front
the proposed site from the northern boundary near the mouth of the Buena Vista Lagoon to Pine Avenue
(Figure 3.7-2, Photograph A). From Pine Avenue to the southern terminus near Hemlock Street, residents
are located on the bluff tops east of Carlsbad Boulevard and a walkway is constructed near the base of
the bluffs with intermittent beach access points (Figure 3.7-2, PhotographB). The North Carlsbad receiver
site is also visible for recreationalists at Buena Vista Lagoon, drivers on Ocean Street where intermittent
beach access is available, and Carlsbad Boulevard. Visual resources at the North Carlsbad receiver site
consist of a flat sandy beach lying in front of rip-rap or vegetated slopes, and sea walls that support beach-
front structures. Slopes behind these protection structures rise to a height of approximately 30 feet.
Structures along this receiver site include single-family residences, apartments, condominiums, and a military
preparatory school. The sand beach along this site is typically under water during high tide.
The delivery pipeline would extend from the South Oceanside receiver site across the Buena Vista Lagoon
mouth. Generally, it would be placed as far landward on the beach as possible to reduce exposure to wave
action. From Hemlock Street south to the terminus of Tamarack Avenue, the pattern of adjacent residents
on bluff tops, east of a busyroadway, continues. However, continuing south across the lagoon mouth there
are no adjacent residents until approximately Cannon Road. Viewers would be limited to drivers along
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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