In a turbulent motion, the true velocity and pressure vary in a disorderly manner. A
turbulent motion is always unsteady, since at a given point the velocity changes
continuously in a very irregular way.
Turbulent Diffusion
Two delta-X
A numerical instability which presents itself as a high value followed by a low value
followed by a high value at the corners of the elements. When contoured, a two
delta-X oscillation looks like a case of mesh measles.
Two dimensional element
A triangle (3 corners and 3 mid-side nodes) or quadrilateral (4 corners and 4 mid-
over the third space coordinate. In a two dimensional Horizontal model, the
averaging occurs over depth. In a two dimensional Vertical model, the averaging
occurs over width. Several two dimensional horizontal elements aligned side by side
may accurately define the bottom elevation of a navigation channel.
The process by which we gain confidence in the ability of our model to predict
behavior of the prototype. Field data, like the model results, are only an
approximation of reality and must be treated with skepticism. In verifying SED2D,
the primary adjustments to be made are ???? to the geometry, boundary conditions,
roughness, and eddy viscosity. These adjustments are made interactively until the
model agrees satisfactorily with field (prototype) observations.
Von Neuman Boundary Condition Specification
Water column
An elemental projection in the z direction. The water profile from the surface to the
bottom of the water body.
Glossary of Terms 169
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