Waterways Experiment Station
The US Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), at the Waterways
Experiment Station (WES), located in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is the principal
research, testing, and development facility of the ERDC. Its mission is to conceive,
plan, study, and execute engineering investigations and research and development
studies in support of civil and military missions of the Chief of Engineers and other
federal agencies.
ERDC at WES is composed of the following laboratories:
NOTE: Hydraulics Laboratory and Coastal Engineering Research Center Merged, Aug 1996.
Geotechnical-Structures Laboratory (Official new Lab title not yet determined)
NOTE: Geotechnical Laboratory and Structures Laboratory Merged, Feb 2000.
Environmental Laboratory
Information Technology Laboratory
Wave Model Input
An obstruction placed in a stream, diverting the water through a prepared aperture
for measuring the rate of flow.
Word size
A Computer term. A word is made up of a group of bytes. A system's word size is
defined by the number of bytes necessary to make a word on that particular type of
computer system. For example, a typical PC uses a two byte word (16 bits), where
the Unix platforms ??? use an eight byte word (64 bits).
170 Glossary of Terms
Users Guide To SED2D-WES