Appendix B
Description of Ocean Wave
A number of parametric shapes have been proposed to describe the frequency
distribution of wave energy. The spectral shapes were derived from long-term
field wave measurements and depend on factors such as wind duration, the
distance or fetch over which the wind blows, and water depth.
Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum
For fully-developed sea states in deep water where there is a local balance
between momentum transfer from the wind and wave breaking/nonlinear cross-
spectral energy transfer processes, Pierson-Moskowitz (1964)1 proposed the
following wave spectrum:
f -4
exp -β
S( f ) =
(2π) f
where α = 0.0081 is Phillips' constant, g is the gravitational acceleration, β =
0.74, fp = g/2πU 19.5, and U 19.5 is the wind speed at 19.5 m above the mean sea
Bretschneider Spectrum
The Bretschneider spectrum (Bretschneider 1959) has the same shape as the
Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum but is defined in terms of the significant wave
height, Hs, and spectral peak frequency, fp, instead of the wind speed. It can be
written as:
References cited in this appendix are listed in the References at the end of the main text.
Appendix B Description of Ocean Wave Spectra