Boussinesq Model
Laboratory Data
Distance (m)
Figure 34. Measured and predicted wave height distribution along the nearshore
gauge array (Hmo = 0.95 m, Tp = 10 s, σθ = 20 deg)
Wave Disturbance in Barbers Point Harbor, Hawaii
Barbers Point Harbor is a small harbor in Hawaii that has experienced
occasional long-period harbor oscillation problems. The main harbor basin is
11.6 m deep, and is connected to the Pacific Ocean through a 12.8-m-deep,
1.3-km-long entrance channel. The water depths are shallow (2 to 10 m) in the
vicinity of the entrance channel, leading to the nonlinear generation of free and
forced long-period waves near the harbor entrance. Free long waves could be
resonantly amplified inside the harbor basin if the long-wave periods are close to
any of the natural modes of oscillation of the basin.
BOUSS-2D was used to investigate to the resonant harbor oscillation periods
and the wave height amplification factors. A three-dimensional view of the
bathymetry and harbor layout used for the simulations is shown in Figure 35. The
offshore boundary was truncated at a water depth of 50 m. Numerical simulations
were carried for regular waves with periods ranging from 50 s to 200 s. Wave
height information was output at two gauges outside the harbor and four gauges
inside the harbor as shown in Figure 36.
Chapter 5 Model Validation