Figure 41. 3-D view of irregular wave propagation into Barbers Point Harbor
snapshot of waves propagating into the harbor. The predicted wave spectra at
Gauges 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 42. It can be seen that nonlinear interactions
significantly modified the wave spectrum at Gauge 2 (h = 7 m), with the cross-
spectral transfer of energy to both lower and higher harmonics. The wave spectra
for the four gauges located inside the harbor basin are plotted in Figure 43. The
short-period wave energy is much smaller inside the harbor basin because the
bathymetry acts to refract waves away from the harbor entrance.
The wave spectra were divided into short-period (T < 25 s) and long-period
components (T > 25 s) and wave heights were calculated for each component.
The short-period wave heights at the inside gauges varied from 0.42 to 0.57 m,
compared to 3.1 m at outside Gauge 2. The long-wave energy inside the harbor
is, however, comparable to that at the outside gauge with heights ranging from
0.38 to 0.46 m for the inside gauges, compared to 0.49 m at an outside Gauge 2.
Chapter 5 Model Validation